DEUTSCH Johannes Eckert Science Communication
Energy, Circular Economy, Bioeconomy

The main focus is on mapping scientific results, actors and projects from Germany, Austria and Switzerland that enable a fossile-free economy, substitute or reduce greenhouse-emissions and technologies that capture, store and utilize CO2. This information is stored in a database. Selected international projects, spin-offs, start-ups and solutions that help adapting to climate change are added.

As a general framework for the main challenges the following main sectors indentified by Bill Gates in an article from the year 2020 are taken as a reference: "Zero-carbon ways to produce electricity, make things, grow food, keep our buildings cool and warm, and move people and goods around the world", as well as 3 key points he emphasises:

1) Let science and innovation lead the way
2) Make sure solutions work for poor countries too
3) Start now

Johannes Eckert Science Communication
Rohrbachstraße 40c
60389 Frankfurt Germany
Phone: +49 69 792 157 10 (Weekdays 10-12 | 14-16)
E-Mail: j.eckert​@​future​as​a​present​.org
BlueSky: @futureasapresent